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Commercial bank in a sentence

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Sentence count:159Posted:2017-03-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: commercialcommercializecommercejudicial branchmercurialalbatrossexercisecoercionMeaning: n. a financial institution that accepts demand deposits and makes loans and provides other services for the public. 
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121. Article 87 If employees of a commercial bank disclose State or business secrets that they come to know during their employment, disciplinary measures shall be taken against them.
122. This paper analyses China's state-owned commercial banks formed the main credit risk, with the U. S. commercial bank credit risk management and credit risk measurement model comparison.
123. Among them value of big order for goods of Beijing commercial bank achieves many yuan 500.
124. Strengthening the harmonious and balanced system is the important measure and means of improving the ability of the risk precaution of commercial bank.
125. Article 28 Purchase by any unit or individual of five percent or more of the total amount of the shares of a commercial bank shall be subject to prior approval by the People's Bank of China.
126. In this respect already in arrear of and domestic and international same profession in state-owned commercial bank.
127. The organization which executes the take-over will execute the business and management power of the commercial bank beginning from the date of taking over.
128. The importance of the commercial bank service management is already convex now.
129. Its will be paid after the Credit line is approved and TTR of the fund to Lao Commercial Bank in Laos.
130. Loan loss reserve inner part control system of design is exaltation our country commercial bank loan loss reserve inner part control efficiency of foundation terrace.
131. Third part for state - owned commercial bank creditor's rights judicature protection way. ".
132. Good morning , Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China Guang Provincial Branch banking Dept , may Ihelp you?
133. There are three main periods in the development of commercial bank audit : the Transation-based auditing, the System-based auditing and the Risk-based auditing.
134. The theory of establishing and perfecting the risk alarm target system the Commercial Bank of China.
135. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Construction Bank and CITIC Group profit and loss statement of assets and liabilities of the audit, the transfer of 20 clues to major cases.
136. Through the reform of rural credit association, some into rural commercial bank or rural cooperative Banks[], urban and other commercial Banks in the open competition.
137. We build a city commercial bank efficiency appraisal model on the basis of on city difference coefficient.
138. The fourth chapter presents the United States and British commercial bank interest rate risk management practice.
139. Kongjiang Subbranch, Shanghai Branch, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.
140. It's across the street from the Municipal Library and next to the First Commercial Bank.
141. The reserve system of the loan loss is our country the commercial bank with circumspection conducts of a long effect system, develops an important function in the aspects of dissolving loan risk.
142. Now the Company is the stockholder of Ningxia Bank and Commercial Bank of Shizuishan.
143. So, to enhance credit risk management is the urgent task that our commercial bank should face.
144. Chinese Commercial Bank, Nanjing Branch of the investment adviser Chen Yin said.
145. Then, introducing the basic principle of balanced scored card, and analyzing the necessity and the serviceability in our country Commercial bank achievements appraisal.
146. When a commercial bank a sudden rush of withdrawals by depositors, this is a bank run.
147. We owe your name and address to the first commercial bank at your end.
147. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
148. What's more, this thesis probe into the springhead of the problem of the state-owned commercial bank organizational structure.
149. In making a demand loan, a commercial bank makes sure that the interest accrued there on is paid on a regular basis during the life of the loan.
150. The typical characteristic of modern commercial bank is the separation of ownership and management.
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